My "Good PRANA" Story
As I was studying the various modalities of healing, this beautiful word came up over and over again. I did more research into "prana" and found that the Ancients, especially in India, used this word to describe the life force which connects all of us. Some other cultures refer to this force as "Ka", 'Chi" and "The Breath of Life". The common meaning was immediately appreciated, that we are all connected by this force of energy that enables us to move and have our being. In Christianity, I equate this with the breath that God breathed into creation and gave it life. I wanted this word "Prana" to be a part of all that I do, and more so, I wanted it to fit in with my business objectives of reaching the individual, the family and the community.
Needless to say, I played around with the letters and the concepts in mind, I asked our Creator for guidance, and miraculously, PRANA came to match with Parenting, Relationships, Ascension, Nation Building and Affluence. Perfect! This became the focus of my life's work in the Fall of 2019. Since then, I've made inspirational videos about each tenet of PRANA, and developed a group on facebook, "Good Prana", where I offer inspiration each week and provide a safe space for members to interact and provide solutions about the issues we are currently facing. Finally, "Good Prana" is now the name of my Massage Therapy business.
The journey continues as we forge ahead and put faith above fear in the challenges we face in life. WE are the answers to the problems we face. But first we must look within, love the person within, and love the body we are in. This is a firm foundation of healing. For when those who watch over us see that we appreciate the unique gift of life expressed in ourselves, then will we be gifted with the knowledge and wisdom we seek to heal our families and our communities. It is said simply at church, "Seek God first and everything else will follow". And it is even more simplified in spiritual circles, "Honor the God in you and show respect to your ancestors, and you will receive a powerful transformation in your life!" My life has shown this to be true, and it can be yours as well.
So, practice Good PRANA; Good Parenting, Relationships, Ascension, Nation Building and Affluence is the master key for our personal liberation and healing!
Let us help you on your Wellness Journey!